
Episode 73: J. Ayo Akinyele Talks Lightning Network & Building Bolt

In this week’s episode, we chat with J. Ayo Akinyele from Bolt Labs about the Bolt Protocol, a layer 2 approach for anonymous micropayments. Bolt, which stands for Blind, Offchain, Lightweight, Transactions, is a privacy focused scaling solution that is similar to the Lightning Network.

Episode 72: zkSNARKs for Scale with Matter Labs

In this week’s episode, we sit down with the Alex Vlasov and Alex Gluchowski from Matter Labs to discuss their approach to using zkSNARKs for scaling Ethereum. We chat about the inspiration for the Roll-up project, the Matter Labs implementation, their proposed Franklin network and more.

Episode 71: Getting Radicle with Julian Arni

In this week’s episode, we speak with Julian Arni about Radicle, a decentralized alternative to Github built on IPFS. Radicle is both a programming language and a set of tools to enable decentralised open source software development. We go deep into this project and also touch on the societal questions that inspired it.

Episode 69: Decentralised Storage with Arweave

In this week’s episode, we sit down with Sam Williams of Arweave to chat about their novel approach to decentralised storage. We discuss incentivising data storage, the concept of the permaweb, and how to properly decentralise the internet archives.

Episode 68: Conversations at EthCC

In this week’s special episode, Anna pops over to EthCC – the Ethereum Community Conference – to find out what’s on people’s minds. Speaking with Boris Mann, Maria Paula Fernandez, Hudson Jameson, Sunny Aggarwal, Yalda Mousavinia, and Peter Mauric, these conversations centre around decision making in the decentralised space, the role of transparency, the different organisations and groups that have formed in Ethereum to help make decisions, how compensation can play a role, the code of conduct, the importance of signaling and much more.

Episode 67: Formal Verification with Martin Lundfall

In this week’s episode, we sit down with Martin Lundfall (Dapphub, MakerDAO) to discuss formal verification – a topic request that comes directly from the Zero Knowledge audience. We cover what formal verification is, where it makes sense, where it doesn’t, the k-framework, and much more.

Episode 66: ETH2.0 Update With Danny Ryan

In this week’s episode, Anna and Fredrik chat with Danny Ryan from the Ethereum Foundation about the ETH2.0 project. We cover how ETH2.0 came to be, how it works, the new roadmap, and where the project is headed.

Episode 64: Unleashing Melon into the wild with Jenna Zenk

In this week’s episode, Anna sits down with Jenna Zenk from Melonport to discuss her background, the path to the melon protocol, the challenges of building sophisticated smart contracts and what it means to release a decentralised protocol into the wild.

Episode 63: Proxy re-encryption and FHE with NuCypher

In this episode, we sit down with Bogdan Opanchuk and John “Tux” Pacific from NuCypher to chat about their threshold proxy re-encryption technology, how the project aims to provide privacy infrastructure, dig into their nuFHE scheme and explore far along FHE research, the cryptographic “holy grail”, really is.

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