
Episode 15: Chatting about consensus algorithms with Robert Habermeier

Fredrik has a chat about consensus algorithms with Parity Technologies in-house consensus expert Robert Habermeier. We cover what a consensus algorithm is and how they work. We try to explain some common terms like safety and liveness, what a fork choice rule is and how real-world constraints like networking play a role in your algorithm design.

Episode 14: Diving deep into DFINITY

In this episode, we do a deep dive into the DFINITY protocol project and their recently released whitepaper. We speak with Robert Lauko, Research Associate working on the project, about their ongoing development and we explore some of the innovations DFINITY aims to incorporate into this new blockchain.

Episode 13: Bloom filters, PoA and what’s up with ERP?

The gang catches up on what’s been going on in the blockchain world for the past month, sharing some nuggets of learning around bloom filters, Proof of Authority, upcoming events, the Dfinity paper and some comments on what all the fuzz around this ERP is.

Episode 10: Blockchain, Open-Source & Security

In this episode, we will be talking with Liz Steininger, the CEO and MD of Least Authority, about decentralised communities, the challenges of blockchain open source technology and how we will likely see this community developing over the next few years.

Episode 8: Decentralized Storage Part 2: Solutions

Part 2 in our series on decentralized storage: Solutions. In this episode, we look at the problems decentralised storage are trying to solve, interesting projects trying to tackle these problems and some of the implications.

Episode 6: s/2017/2018: our New Year’s Podcast

In this episode, Anna and Fredrik have a look back at the changing world of blockchain in 2017 with ex-Ethereum Foundation and current-Parity core dev, Marek Kotewicz. We also share our predictions about what we can expect to see next year in crypto land. FYI: opinions are our own, and we definitely won’t be giving financial advice 😛

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