Introducing: the ZK Whiteboard Sessions!

“What are the best resources for learning about zero knowledge?” is a question we hear often in the…

What is ZEXE? (PART III)

The idea of the records nano-kernel is Core to ZEXE, and enables a new cryptographic primitive…

The Road to ZK-Finance (aka. ZK-Fi)

As the cryptocurrency industry underwent rapid growth, enterprises started to take notice. With…

On the Optimization of PLONK

In this article we brief three directions on optimizing PLONK, which is a polynomial interactive…

What is ZEXE? (Part I)

In order to appreciate ZEXE’s design, it is crucial to first understand a bit more about how…

What is ZEXE? (Part II)

ZEXE is a scheme for privacy-preserving, decentralized applications such as decentralized…

Build the next big thing at the ZK Hackathon!

This coming fall, Zero Knowledge Podcast and the Zero Knowledge Validator will be holding the first…

The Power of Tau or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the ...

Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) have a particularly important history in the context of…

The L2 Roundup: Discovering New Things About Ethereum L2 Platform...

We have just concluded an almost accidental ZK podcast series on (mostly) Ethereum L2s.