We’re excited to announce The Zero Knowledge Summit 7 application to attend is officially now live!
This one-day invite-only event will consist of a mixture of talks & workshops on all the latest topics in zero knowledge research, SNARKs, STARKs, cryptographic primitives, privacy and maths.
If you haven’t already submitted an application, click below to apply. Attendees will primarily be researchers, cryptographers, practitioners, founders and developers working on zero knowledge topics. If you fall into these categories, please sign-up below. Spots are limited so apply early for a better shot of getting a spot. That said, demand is high, but we’ll do our best to get everyone a ticket who qualifies!
ZK7 will take place on Thursday April 21st, 2022, as part of the DevConnect Amsterdam event series. This edition of the ZK Summit promises to bring you the best thinkers and builders in the space, live and in person at the gorgeous Hermitage exhibition center.

The event is brought to you by Zero Knowledge Podcast, hosted by Anna Rose which explores zero knowledge systems and the decentralized technology powering Web3 and the community building it.
See you in Amsterdam on April 21 2022 for the next Zero Knowledge Summit – ZK7!
More information, check the zkSummit website and follow @zeroknowledgefm on Twitter.
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