PODCAST Restaking Research with Naveen & TarunBlockchain,Research28.08.2024 ZK in Celestia with Connor O’HaraRecaps,Events,Research21.08.2024 Groth16, IVC and Formal Verification with NexusEducation,Blockchain,Events,Research14.08.2024 ZK Research Update with Joe BonneauResearch,Tools31.07.2024 Verifiable SQL, Reckle Trees and ZK Coprocessing with Lagrange La...Education,Research,Tools24.07.2024 Brussels catch up with Hart from AcrossEvents,Cross-chain18.07.2024 ZK Hack MontrealBonus,Events15.07.2024 Farcaster with Varun Srinivasan10.07.2024 Frameworks for Programmable Privacy with Ying Tong and Bryan Gill...03.07.2024 Propose a topic for the show: Email us at hello@zeroknowledge.fm