In this episode, we will be exploring StarkWare and DeversiFi’s collaboration – a Layer 2 STARK-powered exchange for Ethereum assets. Guests Tom Brand, product manager at Starkware, and Will Harborne, co-founder of DeversiFi, discuss the project, how it works under the hood and give us a glimpse into what they have planned for the future.

We also look at how Validium, that is Layer-2 scaling solutions in which the validity of all transactions is enforced using zero-knowledge proofs, while data availability is kept off-chain, differ from other layer 2 scaling solutions like Plasma, Optimistic Rollup and zkRollup, and discuss the axioms used to quantify these differences.

Here is some of additional material:

At the beginning of the episode, Anna and Will also discussed their joint project ZKValidator which works on Cosmos, Polkadot and Kusama.

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