In this, our special 100th episode of the Zero Knowledge Podcast, we caught up with Dan Boneh, professor and researcher in applied cryptography and computer security at Stanford. In this far-reaching conversation, we talk about Dan’s background in the field of cryptography, how the field has evolved over the years, his work on cryptography & blockchain education, where zero knowledge research and SNARKs in particular fits into the field, some exciting new research coming out of the Applied Cryptography Group at Stanford, what cryptographic and engineering problems he thinks we should be focused on solving, and more.
This episode covered a lot of ground and even though we went overtime, there is still so much more to talk about. We hope to have Dan back on the show sometime soon!
In the meantime, here are some resources that might help you explore some of the topics covered:
- Crypto Class MOOC Stanford
- zkRoll-up MatterLabs
- Post-Devcon5 catch-up
- Linear PCP (Probabilitistic Checkable Proof)
- Randomness episode with Justin Drake
- Applications of the Prio system at Mozilla
- True2F: Backdoor-resistant authentication tokens
- Yubiko
- The supply chain attack we mentioned
- MultiLinear Maps
- Hellman Key Exchange
- Tripartite Diffie–Hellman
- Quantum Computing
- Stanford blockchain conference
- BLS (Boneh–Lynn–Shacham) signature scheme
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