On this week’s episode, Anna and Kobi Gurkan chat with Dan Boneh, Professor of Computer Science at Stanford and Director of the Stanford Center for Blockchain Research.

They cover an expanse of topics: from how strides have been made within the development of zkEVMs to how trusted set ups could be integrated into the blockchain itself. This episode covers open problems in ZK such as how to generate ZK proofs on large amounts of data such as video and what solutions could be implemented when attempting to run a DAO with a private treasury.

Here are some additional links for this episode:

Today’s episode is sponsored by Mina Protocol

The need for private, trustless solutions has never been more clear.

Introducing Mina’s zkSpark Cohort 0, where developers share tutorials and build zero knowledge apps, or zkApps, and get rewarded. There are a quarter-of-a-million Mina tokens up for grabs for zkSpark Cohort 0 participants.

Mina’s zkApps are written in Typescript, so developers can easily get started without learning a custom programming language like other zk protocols.

To sign up for zkSpark Cohort 0 head to minaprotocol.com/zkpodcast.

Mina will be launching additional zkSpark Cohorts, just visit minaprotocol.com to check out the best way to get involved.

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