In this episode, Griff Green shares his experience of working through The DAO hack, the white hat hacker group & Giveth.

Through his telling of this story, we are given a front row seat to one of the most exciting events in ethereum and general blockchain history. These events also set the stage for a lot of the decisions, attitudes, rifts and relationships that have since taken hold – from the emergence of the white hat hacker group, the currency split, to the attitude towards governance and immutibility and the community’s attitude towards the very concept of a DAO. The story leads us to Griff’s latest project Giveth, an ethereum-based project that aims to bring back some of the most inspiring ideas from the era of the DAO, and applies them towards charitable giving.

To get involved with Giveth check out their Riot Channel

To hear a bit more about Griff’s work check out this video

or follow him on twitter HERE