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In this week’s episode, Anna and guest-host / frequent guest Tarun Chitra catch up with Alex Evans, researcher at Placeholder Capital. They dive into the latest in DeFi, a topic that we don’t cover too often, but has become hard to ignore. Specifically they discuss the emergence of liquidity farming, the difference between the zkresearch space and the DeFi space, some emerging concepts like AMM and Staking derivatives, and cover a recent report Tarun and Alex published together on the impact of staking derivatives on the security of PoS systems.

Here are a few of the articles and links mentioned in the episode:

Thank you to this week’s sponsor Trail of Bits.

Upgradeable contracts are not as safe as you think. Architectures for upgradeability can be flawed, locking contracts, losing data, or sabotaging your ability to recover from an incident. Every contract upgrade must be carefully reviewed to avoid catastrophic mistakes. The GitHub App Crytic now includes a comprehensive suite of 17 upgradeability checks to help you avoid these pitfalls.

This tool allows devs to stress test their upgradeable contracts as they go, saving time and potentially catastrophic headaches down the line.

For more check out their blog post where they describe how to use this tool – https://blog.trailofbits.com/2020/06/12/upgradeable-contracts-made-safer-with-crytic/

So thanks again Trail of Bits

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